The nutritional Benefits of Tomatoes

Nutrition Facts Benefits of Tomatoes
If mango is the king of fruits, then tomato must be called the king of vegetables. Just as tomatoes can stave off heart problems, they can also stave off diabetes and kidney problems. The lycopene in tomatoes greatly reduces the risk of prostate, colorectal, or stomach cancer. Natural anti-oxidants can stop the growth of cancer cells. Cooked tomatoes are more beneficial than raw tomatoes. So eat tomato soup as much as you can, use tomatoes in cooking. Vitamin B and potassium in tomatoes reduce blood cholesterol levels and control blood pressure. Having tomatoes in your daily diet reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other heart problems. You can eat tomatoes to keep your kidneys healthy. Chromium and other minerals in tomatoes control blood sugar levels. Tomatoes contain enough calcium and vitamin K. Tomatoes are essential for maintaining bone tissue and eliminating minor problems.
Eye Problems: The role of tomatoes in improving eyesight is immense. So put tomatoes in children's diet. The comoric acid and chlorogenic acid in tomatoes can reduce the effects of smoking on the body. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins 'A' and 'C'. Vitamin A and beta carotene act as anti-oxidants that control the presence of harmful chemicals in the blood.
These chemicals floating in the blood are extremely harmful to the body. The redder the tomato, the higher the amount of beta carotene. However, cooking destroys vitamin C, so eat as many raw tomatoes as you can. Tomatoes are a key ingredient in many facials because they contain a lot of lycopene. Tomato removes dark spots on the skin and also enhances radiance. If you want to use tomatoes at home, peel 10-12 tomatoes. Cover the whole face with that peel for at least 10 minutes. Then rinse. The skin will look clean and radiant.