
বুধবার, ১০ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২১

Facebook is a new problem, many groups are being shut down

Facebook is a new problem, many groups are being shut down

Facebook is a new problem, many groups are being shut down
Popular social media Facebook is constantly coming up with new features. After that, Facebook users are facing several problems. Facebook groups in particular are facing big problems.

Due to the new update of Facebook, a lot of communities are being shut down and insidious people are abusing it. Among the disabled groups are Science Bee / AMD Ryzen Enthusiasts Bangladesh and many more. Popular groups like Food Bloggers and Petuk Couple have also been disabled for the same reason.

Abdullah Al Jaber, the administrator of Ibar71, reported these problems on Thursday (February 4th) after a new update on Facebook. In this regard, he said, many common quality pictures or videos of the Facebook group are being removed by fake reports from a few IDs. Facebook security bots are constantly disabling community violations, including Facebook groups, when reported in admin posts. Several other problems have also been observed, which are being abused by a group of unscrupulous clique.

Abdullah Al Jaber said, "I request you not to approve any new ID as a member of your group until this security update issue of Facebook is resolved." The remnants of Facebook are those who have been involved in such heinous acts as ruining various good and useful Facebook groups by making fake reports. Due to their inferiority complex and perverted attitude, they are also disabling various blood collection groups through fake reports. The Facebook authorities have already been informed about them.

He advised to inform the law enforcement and cyber police about the fake reporters. Facebook group admins should handle their activities carefully until we get our next update. Be sure to recheck your groups once. If there is any suspicious fake ID in your group, remove it as a member.

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