
সোমবার, ১২ জুলাই, ২০২১

Richard Branson returns to Earth after space travel in his own spacecraft

Richard Branson returns to Earth after space travel in his own spacecraft

Richard Branson returns to Earth after space travel in his own spacecraft
Richard Branson sitting on a rocket on the way to space

Virgin Galactic, a British billionaire businessman named Richard Branson, has returned safely to Earth after landing at the gates of space and landed in New Mexico in the United States.

In an hour-long journey, the spacecraft named Unity-22 flies at a speed of more than three thousand kilometers per hour.

During this time, six passengers of the rocket experienced emptiness for a few minutes.

Branson said the test flight would usher in a new era of space travel.

This type of tourism is expected to start commercially next year.

However, those who want to travel in space must be quite meaningful.

For a few minutes' experience in space, each ticket will cost two and a half million dollars.

Like Richard Branson, another billionaire entrepreneur, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, is rumored to be flying a rocket built by his company after Emas.

However, this path to space was not easy for Richard Branson.

He has been trying to launch commercial space travel since 2004.

The trip was scheduled to begin in 2006, but the initiative was halted after a deadly rocket exploded.

"I've had the hobby of space travel since I was a child," Branson told the BBC. "I hope millions of people will be able to travel in space in the next 100 years."

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