
শুক্রবার, ১৬ জুলাই, ২০২১

The app that will encourage marriag

The app that will encourage marriage

App that will encourage marriage
An Islamic dating app has been launched in Iran to encourage young people to get married. This information was given in a news broadcast on the state television of the country on Monday. With the help of this government-controlled app called 'Hamdam' (Companion), users will be able to find and select the partner of their choice.

Created under the auspices of the Tebayan Cultural Institute, controlled by the Islamic Propaganda Organization of Iran, the app uses artificial intelligence.

According to Hamdam's website, the app uses artificial intelligence to help "truly unmarried people who are looking for a permanent marriage and a single mate."

The user must first confirm his or her identity and take a psychology test before using it. Once the relationship between the couple is fixed, a service consultant of the app will introduce the family of the couple. After the marriage, the consultant officer will accompany the couple for four years. 

Komeil Khojaste, head of the Tebayan Cultural Institute, said at the launch of the app that Iran's family values ​​are under threat from external forces. Iran's enemies want to impose their own ideas on Iran. By overcoming this threat, the app will help build a healthy family. 

Colonel Ali Mohammad Rajabi, chief of Iran's cyberspace police, said it was the only such app in Iran. All other apps are running illegally. 

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