
রবিবার, ৩ অক্টোবর, ২০২১

Foods that will calm the mind

Foods that will calm the mind

Foods that will calm the mindResearchers have long tried to keep the mind calm or control anger. Researchers claim that certain foods keep the mind calm by controlling anger. And some foods stimulate our nerves through hormone control. 

Potato is one of the foods that are beneficial to calm the mind. It works to reduce anger. Try to eat at least one piece of potato every day. These vegetables contain vitamin B and carbohydrates. These ingredients reduce stress and blood pressure. Potatoes help reduce stress by lowering blood pressure. 

Bananas are rich in vitamin B and potassium which keep the nerves calm. Eating banana regularly will calm the nerves a lot.

Eggs affect mood. It contains protein, vitamin B, D which controls anger. Try to keep 1 or 2 eggs in your daily diet.

Avocados are rich in vitamin B, which helps control brain cells. It contains beta carotene, lutein, vitamin E, and glutathione. Which helps keep the nerves calm.

There is no pair of apples to control anger. If you are suddenly very angry, playing apple will reduce the anger and calm the mind.

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