
শনিবার, ২৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২২

Ukraine-Russia tensions: US deploys fighter jets to Eastern Europe F-35

 Ukraine-Russia tensions: US deploys fighter jets to Eastern Europe

Ukraine-Russia tensions: US deploys fighter jets to Eastern Europe

F-35 fighter jets

Russia, one of the world's superpowers, is conducting military operations in Ukraine. The attack began early Thursday, local time. The Russia-Ukraine war is considered to be the biggest conflict in Europe since World War II.

In the midst of this tension, a contingent of American state-of-the-art F-35 fighter jets has arrived in Eastern Europe. The news comes as tensions between Washington and Moscow escalate over the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a military operation in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine. The United States then deployed six F-35 fighter jets to the Eastern European countries of Estonia, Lithuania and Romania.

The United States has said the planes were deployed in Eastern Europe as part of President Joe Biden's order this week to restructure troops and military equipment in Eastern Europe.

Announcing the troop deployment, President Biden said it was a defensive move, not an aggressive one. At the time, he made it clear that the United States had no intention of engaging in war with Russia

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