
শুক্রবার, ২০ মে, ২০২২

Elon Musk responds to Twitter CEO Pollen's long post below

Elon Musk responds to Twitter CEO Pollen's long post below

Elon Musk responds to Twitter CEO Pollen's long post below

Pollen Agarwal (left) and Elon Musk

How Elon Musk reacted to the lengthy post of Twitter's 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)' Parag Agarwal! That is what is being discussed on the net now. Pollen made a long post (thread) with a hint of how to make themselves more error free. Somewhere at the bottom of that post, Elon wrote, "Have you started catching fake profiles at all?"

And at the center of most discussions is an emoji given by Elon in response to El Parag's comments. Everyone knows him as 'Pile of Pu' in the terminology of net media.

Elon Musk, who has stepped up to buy Twitter, wanted a few more changes, saying goodbye to fake and automated accounts from Twitter. In a recent post, Parag was discussing this in detail. He said that he will discuss various issues related to spam by judging the information, real and perspective.

That's how Elon used a response at the bottom of a serious and seemingly important post on pollen. Which is known as 'Pile of Pu' in the net. This response is usually meant to indicate annoyance at something.

Incidentally, the final process of buying Elon's Twitter for হাজার 4.4 billion has stalled due to doubts over the number of fake and automated accounts on Twitter. Elon wants netizens to have the same right to express themselves on Twitter. But fake and automated accounts created for specific purposes stand in the way.

Pollen was arguing in this regard on Twitter. In it, he first clarified Twitter's policy on identifying and rejecting fake users. At one point Elon asks, has Twitter started looking for fake accounts at all? After that, in another place of the same post, Elon posted 'Pile of Pu' in the context of pollen logic! The net world is surprised to see that.

Observers then question: Is Elon really interested in buying Twitter? Or is it a ploy to lower the price a bit more on the pretext of a fake account?

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