
শনিবার, ১৫ মে, ২০২১

If the sun dies, what will happen to the earth? (Video)

If the sun dies, what will happen to the earth? (Video)

If the sun dies, what will happen to the earth?  (Video)
The core of our solar system is the sun. And we have this beautiful earth as the number three planet of this solar system or solar system. And as such, the sun is the closest star to us. And the sun is the source of all the energy on this earth. The sun is the lifeblood of the earth. But have you ever wondered what would happen to the earth if the sun died or was destroyed? What if the sun suddenly disappears from this solar system? 

There is no substitute for the sun to keep all kinds of animals and plants alive on earth. The existence of life on our earth is largely due to the sun. The sun radiates light on the earth from above and keeps the earth's temperature at a tolerable level. And as a result, we are able to perform all our biological activities in a very healthy way, starting from organisms to plants. Just for the sun, all kinds of plants are ensuring their own food supply by converting solar light into chemical energy through photosynthesis and photosynthesis and leaving oxygen in the atmosphere for us. So friends, let us know what will happen if this sun disappears or disappears from us?

The sun is about 333,000 times heavier than the earth, and it produces the equivalent of 100 billion hydrogen bombs per second. And with its strong gravitational force, it holds the eight planets, including the Earth, in their orbits. Then think about what would happen to us if there was no sun!
According to scientists, if the sun suddenly disappears, all the planets in the solar system will be lost in space. Besides, it is not uncommon for them to clash.

The sun is also our main source of light. But the matter of light is a little different. Because even after traveling at such a high speed, it takes about 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth after covering a huge distance. So the funny thing is that right now, when the sun disappears, it will take 6 minutes to see it with our eyes. I mean after 6 minutes I will understand that there is no sun. Of course, before that the planets will fall apart and a tumultuous event will take place.

However, if there is no other accident, just the lack of light will not be an immediate problem for us. Because there will be electricity and the stars will still give some light. Even Jupiter can be seen for about 1 hour (because it will take some time for the sun's light to be reflected from Jupiter. Due to this time difference, the Sun will be lost, but the light from the previous moment will be visible to Jupiter at this time).
But disaster will happen on earth after 6 minutes. Because, there will be no photosynthesis without sunlight.

So small plants will die within a few days of not being able to make food. And the big ones might last a few more days. There is a bigger problem than this. We know that the sun is also our source of heat. And it goes without saying how much heat is needed. Within a week of the sun disappearing, the earth's temperature will drop to 0 degrees Celsius. And at the end of a sunless year, the earth's surface temperature will stand at minus 63 degrees Celsius.

Think about it, which creature would exist in this ice-cold state? However, scientists believe that the animals in the hydrothermal vent can survive without the sun.

In that case, the surface water of the earth will turn into ice and the whole earth will look like a piece of ice. But underground, the "core" of the earth's interior will still produce heat. If someone finds a convenient shelter here, then his luck can be said to be a bit happy, but what to eat!

If there is no sun, the earth will continue to run straight towards zero due to the lack of gravitational force. Now the earth is moving around the sun at a speed of about 6000 miles per hour. As such, if it did not collide with anything else, the Earth would cover a distance equal to the length of the entire Milky Way galaxy in the first 1 billion years, and this would be the case for eternity (?), But is it really so? There are about 100 billion suns in our galaxy, and 1 billion black holes. One of them will never put the earth back in its orbit (or swallow it up) so who can say!

All in all, if the sun were to disappear, all normal creatures, including humans, would begin to perish; Earth will then turn into a huge ice planet; Yet microbes, such as the deepest in the world, will survive. Maybe if it didn't collide with any planet, Earth would move into the orbit of another star a million years later; And then because of the heat, the earth will start to melt again, and return to its original form. Then perhaps these microns under the sea will create new species again, just as the first creatures on earth began to form.

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