
সোমবার, ১৬ আগস্ট, ২০২১

Eat Amalaki, not Viagra to increase the desire

Eat Amalaki, not Viagra to increase the desire

Eat Amalki, not Viagra to increase desire

Amalaki has many qualities. Experimental medicines made from its leaves and bark have been found to cure some diseases. Amalaki improves physical well-being, enhances the beauty of hair and keeps the skin well as well as improves reproductive health or fertility. As well as increases desire. As a result, sex life improves. Vitamin C in Amalaki increases sperm count in men.

Interest in Viagra can be noticed among those who want to increase their sexual ability. But nutritionists say, eat regular maki, not Viagra. In a few days, your libido will increase a lot. Scientists have also explained how Amalaki helps to make sex warm and colorful. 

- Amalaki contains iron and zinc. As a result, playing this fruit also improves sexual vigor and virility.

- Among women who suffer from white discharge, they regularly dry Amalaki and eat it with powdered honey. Will benefit.

- Men can eat Amalaki juice on an empty stomach in the morning or in the evening.

- You can mix Amalaki powder in milk to make your sex life warm and colorful.

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