
রবিবার, ১৫ আগস্ট, ২০২১

This time seven hungry astronauts will also find smoked pizza in space

This time seven hungry astronauts will also find smoked pizza in space

This time seven hungry astronauts will also find smoked pizza in space!
Collected pictures

U.S. space company Northrop Grumman has shipped goods to the International Space Station as the latest and largest shipment. It holds a smoky hot pizza for seven people that have already been shipped on the company's Cygnus cargo rocket.

In addition, a total of eight thousand two hundred 'pounds or three thousand seven hundred kilograms of goods have been sent to the International Space Station. It also contains fresh apples, tomatoes, and kiwi. With this, Northrop Grumman sent the product into space about 16 times through the US space agency NASA. Although this is the largest food delivery consignment.

শরীরে ইউরিক এসিড বাড়ে যেসব খাবারে

শরীরে ইউরিক এসিড বাড়ে যেসব খাবারে

শরীরে ইউরিক এসিড বাড়ে যেসব খাবারে
পিউরিনসমৃদ্ধ খাবারের 

পিউরিন নামক প্রোটিন ভেঙে উৎপন্ন হয় ইউরিক এসিড। এটি এক ধরনের কেমিক্যাল। এই অ্যাসিড কিডনি দ্বারা পরিশোধিত হয়ে প্রস্রাবের পথে দিয়ে বেরিয়ে যায়। তবে রক্তে ইউরিক এসিডের পরিমাণ বেড়ে গেলে কিডনিও একে নির্গত করতে পারে না। শরীরে ইউরিক এসিডের স্তর বৃদ্ধি পেলে গাউট রোগ দেখা দিতে পারে। এই রোগে গাঁটে ব্যথা হয়, ফোলা ভাব দেখা দেয়, উঠতে-বসতে অসুবিধা হয়।

অস্বাস্থ্যকর জীবনযাপন ও খাদ্যাভাসের কারণে এ সমস্যায় পড়েন অনেকেই। সমস্যা বাড়লে হার্ট অ্যাটাক, মাল্টিপল অর্গ্যান ফেলিওর, কিডনি ফেলিওরের ঝুঁকি বেড়ে যায়। চিকিৎসা ও ওষুধের পাশাপাশি হাই ইউরিক এসিডের রোগীদের নিজের খাওয়া-দাওয়ার বিশেষ যত্ন নেওয়া উচিত। এমন কিছু খাবার আছে, যা শরীরে ইউরিক এসিডের পরিমাণ বাড়িয়ে দেয়। তা নিচে তুলে ধরা হলো-

পিউরিনসমৃদ্ধ খাবার

হাই ইউরিক এসিডের রোগীদের সবার আগে পিউরিনযুক্ত খাবার এড়িয়ে যাওয়া উচিত। কারণ, এই পিউরিন ভেঙেই শরীরে ইউরিক এসিড সৃষ্টি হয়। এমন পরিস্থিতিতে মাছ, মাংস খাবেন না।

ডাল ও বিনস

গাউটের রোগীরা কয়েকটি ডাল ও বিনস খাবেন না। দেশি ছোলা, কুলথী বা হর্স গ্রাম, রাজমা, কাবুলিছোলা ইত্যাদি নিজের খাদ্যতালিকা থেকে বাদ দিন। এই খাদ্যদ্রব্যগুলো শরীরে ইউরিক এসিডের পরিমাণ বাড়িয়ে দেয়। 

মিষ্টিজাতীয় খাবার ও ড্রিঙ্কস

মিষ্টি খাবার ও ড্রিঙ্কসে উপস্থিত ফ্রুক্টোজ পিউরিনের মেটাবলিজম বাড়ায়। মিষ্টি খাবার ওজন বৃদ্ধি করে, যার ফলে রক্তে শর্করার পরিমাণ বাড়ে। তাই হাই ইউরিক এসিডের রোগীরা মিষ্টি ত্যাগ করুন।

এ ছাড়া দই, ভিনেগার, ঘোল, মদ্যপানও এড়িয়ে চলুন। উল্লেখ্য, দইয়ে উপস্থিত ট্রান্সফ্যাট শরীরে ইউরিক এসিডের পরিমাণ বাড়িয়ে দেয়। তাই দই বা দইয়ের কোনো খাবার না খাওয়াই ভালো।

সোমবার, ২ আগস্ট, ২০২১

How Israeli spyware 'Pegasus' takes control of smartphones

How Israeli spyware 'Pegasus' takes control of smartphones (video)

How Israeli spyware 'Pegasus' takes control of smartphones (video)
Pegasus spyware created by the Israeli company NSO Group
Thousands of government workers, journalists, and big politicians have been eavesdropped on Pegasus spyware created by the Israeli company NSO Group. The list also includes the heads of state of several countries. So far, a list of more than 50,000 phone numbers has been leaked. It is believed that NSO customers have been eavesdropping on these numbers since 2016. The British media Guardian has published a report on how the spyware 'Pegasus' took control of the smartphone. The media also published a documentary quoting investigative journalists David Pegg and Stephanie Kerchgasner. 

Spyware can take control of smartphones of iOS and Android operating systems through text messages and calls. This allows the spyware to be installed on the smartphone automatically. Even if the mobile phone user does not receive that call from the spyware, the software can be installed automatically. The attacker then took control of the entire phone system. It's so scary that once the spyware is installed, anyone can easily control WhatsApp messaging and talking, voice calls, passwords, contact lists, various event calendars, phone microphones, and even the camera. The spyware also has the ability to capture pictures and videos at any time with the camera used in the victim's mobile. In addition, the spyware will be able to see where the victim is now by turning on the mobile location at any moment. Meanwhile, there are many of us who encrypt important information on our mobiles. But the fear is that this spyware can read encrypted files.

Some tips to keep your mobile phone safe: Avoid using free WiFi. Don't link to unfamiliar sites on the phone. Turn on all types of locks so that no one else can use the phone. Do not update apps from any website other than the phone's designated website.


The video is courtesy of the Guardian

The way 'Pegasus Spyware' takes control of the smartphone, how to avoid the risk

The way 'Pegasus Spyware' takes control of the smartphone, how to avoid the risk

The way 'Pegasus Spyware' takes control of the smartphone, how to avoid the risk?

Pegasus Spyware

Thousands of government workers, journalists, and big politicians have eavesdropped on Pegasus spyware created by the Israeli company NSO Group. The list also includes the heads of state of several countries. So far, a list of more than 50,000 phone numbers has been leaked. It is believed that NSO customers have been eavesdropping on these numbers since 2016.

Find out how spyware 'Pegasus' takes control of smartphones-

Spyware can take control of smartphones of iOS and Android operating systems through text messages and calls. This allows the spyware to be installed on the smartphone automatically. Even if the mobile phone user does not receive that call from the spyware, the software can be installed automatically. The attacker then took control of the entire phone system. It's so scary that once the spyware is installed, anyone can easily control WhatsApp messaging and talking, voice calls, passwords, contact lists, various event calendars, phone microphones, and even the camera. The spyware also has the ability to capture pictures and videos at any time with the camera used on the victim's mobile. In addition, the spyware will be able to see where the victim is now by turning on the mobile location at any moment. Meanwhile, there are many of us who encrypt important information on our mobiles. But the fear is that this spyware can read encrypted files.

Some tips to keep your mobile phone safe 

Refrain from using the free wifi. Don't link to unfamiliar sites on the phone. Turn on all types of locks so that no one else can use the phone. Do not update apps from any website other than the phone's designated website.

Apple is bringing monitors with chip and neural engine

Apple is bringing monitors with chip and neural engine

Apple is bringing monitors with chip and neural engine

US technology company Apple is working on a new type of monitor with a chip and neural engine. This is the new version of the company's 'Pro Display XDR'. It will include internal 'system-on-a-chip or 'SOC' on the standalone display.

This information has been reported in the recent report of technology site 9 to 5 Mac. That said, Apple is secretly testing an external display. The A13 chip and neural engine will be seen in that display. Apple showed the A13 chip for the first time in the iPhone 11 lineup.

According to a report by the technology website Senate, the new display that Apple is testing is code-named J326.

On the other hand, there is not much information about the monitor with this new chip and neural engine, said 9 to 5 Mac. According to them, rumors have been circulating for the last five years that Apple is working to make a display with chips.

Using the A13 quad-core chip on the external display will reduce some of the workload associated with the computer. The Mac's internal chip can help with other tasks or the gift of more advanced graphics. However, Apple has not commented on this. 

Facebook has introduced new rules for people under the age of 18

Facebook has introduced new rules for people under the age of 18

Facebook has introduced new rules for people under the age of 18
Facebook has announced that it will stop advertising under the age of 18 according to their own interests in the timeline
Giants such as Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft were called in September last year to stop showing ads for people under the age of 18. In response to this call, Facebook has announced to stop advertising under the age of 18 according to their own interests in the timeline. The Facebook authorities announced this on July 27.

According to a Reuters report, advertisers will not be able to target users under the age of 18 based on their age, gender, and Facebook usage, as well as their location on Messenger and its photo-sharing platform Instagram.

A Facebook spokesperson said that even if the ad was stopped, there would be no change in user data. 

The price of the job application of Steve Jobs is two and a half crore rupees

The price of the job application of Steve Jobs is two and a half crore rupees

The price of the job application of Steve Jobs is two and a half crore rupees!

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has applied for the job only once in his life. Steve Jobs' job application is up for auction. The price of which has been raised to 3 lakh 43 thousand US dollars, that is, two and a half crore rupees in Bangladeshi currency!

In 1973, when Steve Jobs was 18, he applied for a job with a company. The first and last job application in the life of Steve Jobs! 

As soon as the old light yellow paper went up for auction, the price went up to Tk 2.5 crore. In the handwritten application, Steve Jobs himself said that he did not have a mobile phone at that time. Just had a driving license.

Not only is it a job application for Steve Jobs, but there's also something fancy in that old paper. That is why it has been bought with so much money.

This is not the first time that Steve Jobs' job application has been put up for auction. The paper has been auctioned several times before. Last March, in an auction, its price rose to one crore and 60 lakh rupees.

শুক্রবার, ১৬ জুলাই, ২০২১

The app that will encourage marriag

The app that will encourage marriage

App that will encourage marriage
An Islamic dating app has been launched in Iran to encourage young people to get married. This information was given in a news broadcast on the state television of the country on Monday. With the help of this government-controlled app called 'Hamdam' (Companion), users will be able to find and select the partner of their choice.

Created under the auspices of the Tebayan Cultural Institute, controlled by the Islamic Propaganda Organization of Iran, the app uses artificial intelligence.

According to Hamdam's website, the app uses artificial intelligence to help "truly unmarried people who are looking for a permanent marriage and a single mate."

The user must first confirm his or her identity and take a psychology test before using it. Once the relationship between the couple is fixed, a service consultant of the app will introduce the family of the couple. After the marriage, the consultant officer will accompany the couple for four years. 

Komeil Khojaste, head of the Tebayan Cultural Institute, said at the launch of the app that Iran's family values ​​are under threat from external forces. Iran's enemies want to impose their own ideas on Iran. By overcoming this threat, the app will help build a healthy family. 

Colonel Ali Mohammad Rajabi, chief of Iran's cyberspace police, said it was the only such app in Iran. All other apps are running illegally. 

How the space rocket-plane 'Unity' was created

How the space rocket-plane 'Unity' was created

How the space rocket-plane 'Unity' was created

An airplane - so that you can travel in space, after flying for 60 or 100 miles above the ground for a few hours - that airplane - just like a normal airplane - will land at an airport on Earth.

You can get a space travel experience by buying this special rocket-plane ticket just like a normal flight.

Decades after decades, this dream has haunted some millionaires and scientists.

That dream is now coming true. A few days ago, British businessman Sir Richard Branson flew his rocket-propelled grenade to the edge of space for the first time.

A few others, like Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, are conducting research and experiments to build similar spacecraft.

'I'll leave it at that

That was in the early 1990s. World-renowned aeronautical engineer Bert Rutan threw himself into a challenge.

The challenge is to build a spaceplane. Aircraft are capable of space travel. You can say, rocket-aircraft.

"It simply came to our notice then. I will do it, I will leave it, ”Rutan said in 2004, recalling a decade ago.

One of the goals behind this discovery was to open up space travel for "ordinary people" - people who are not "astronauts".

"For the last 25 years, it has occurred to me that children who dream that one day they will go into space, see the earth from space, - I think of myself as a child - but their chances of that dream are dwindling."

Bert Rutan thought that the experience of this journey in space must be like flying in an airplane.

The way astronauts usually go into space by launching a rocket and return to Earth by parachute - that experience would be much more adventurous or risky for ordinary people, it seemed to him.

Spaceship One

With this in mind, Bert Rutan began building a space plane.

The first vehicle he built was called SpaceShipOne.

In the 1950s, test pilots flew a type of test aircraft called the X-15, which could fly at much higher altitudes. Rutan was inspired by that.

Finally, on June 21, 2004, for the first time, his first privately funded spacecraft reached space - a historic milestone.

The eight-and-a-half-meter-long spacecraft, called SpaceShipOne, began its flight from a runway in the Mojave Desert in California. The vehicle was parked under a plane called the White Knight.

After rising 14 kilometers above the ground, the spaceship became detached from the 'mothership' or carrying aircraft. Immediately his rocket engine ignited.

Mike Melville, the only test pilot on board the spaceship.

Spaceship One then began to ascend steeply like a rocket and eventually reached an altitude of 100 kilometers above the earth's surface - which is officially considered the boundary of space.

Melville, the pilot inside the vehicle, felt weightless before returning to Earth's atmosphere.

On the way back, the spaceship changed its shape - just as planned.

The goal was to increase the resistance of the spacecraft to the friction of the wind - what is called "drag" in aviator terminology - on the one hand and to stabilize the vehicle on the other. This is called the feathering system.

SpaceShipOne then successfully operated a few more flights. The vehicle also received the X-Award, founded by entrepreneur Pete Diamonds for building a space tourism industry.

Space travel project and Richard Branson

Named SpaceShipOne, the vehicle was praised by many. One of them was Sir Richard Branson, a British businessman who founded the Virgin Group.

He had been monitoring the project for a long time.

Richard Branson decided to invest heavily in spacecraft and its technology.

In September 2004, he announced that he would launch a commercial flight into space using a spacecraft-style vehicle.

At a news conference in London, Richard Branson said the buyer would have to pay 2 200,000 to get a seat on his new "Virgin Galactic Spaceline".

He also showed a model of the Virgin spaceship.

With Bert Rutan on the sidelines, Branson said thousands of astronauts will be created in the coming years who will be able to fulfill their dream of enjoying the view of our Earth from above, the stars in space, and the feeling of weightlessness.

Shortly after that announcement, Bert Rutan and Richard Branson formed a company called The Spaceship Company - which would own the technology used in the Virgin Galactic space tourism business - to be created by Rutan's Scaled Composites.

What is a sub-orbital flight?

Virgin's first astronaut tour was in 2006.

But Richard Branson wanted each flight to have six tourists and two pilots.

The voyage will be sub-orbital, meaning the plane will rise to a height of about 100 kilometers - where the Earth's atmosphere ends and space begins.

There the passengers will feel a few minutes of weightlessness and then it will return to Earth.

Scientifically speaking, if a spacecraft were to fly at a speed of 16,500 miles per hour or more, it would be able to withstand the pull of gravity and stay in space and orbit the earth in an orbit.

And if its speed is less than this - then it will touch the limits of space and return to the earth by gravity - just like when a ball is thrown into the sky, after rising to a height, it comes down again. This is called sub-orbital.

Spaceship One needs to be bigger in size but now there are some new challenges in front of the builders.

Virgin's rocket ship must be larger in order to build a suitable vehicle for eight riders. Not only that, but the aircraft carrying it also needs to change.

It will have to build a more powerful rocket motor that will be able to propel this vehicle to the edge of space.

Over the next few years, Richard Branson spoke to reporters several times about what the spaceship's cabin would look like, what the windows would look like, and how the Earth and the stars would be seen.

He explained that ticket-buying passengers would be able to unbuckle their seatbelts, they would be able to spin around in almost zero-gravity, and so on.

But in 2008 a disaster happened.

Three Scale Composite workers were killed and several others were injured in an explosion during a spaceship's rocket motor test.

Then another company called Sierra Nevada Corporation was given the responsibility of making the motor.

This time the rocket motor was made using a rubber-based fuel called HTPB and liquid nitrous oxide. It is called a hybrid rocket motor.

The first spacecraft to be named was VSS Enterprise, which began testing in 2010. After much experimentation, the first powerful flight of VSS Enterprise took place in April 2013.

The pilots were Mark Stockie and Mike Elsbury. The vehicle was able to fly faster than sound in the Mojave desert sky.

But Virgin Galactic could not be satisfied with the vibrations of the rocket caused by this engine.

So in 2014, Virgin ended its relationship with the Sierra Nevada and took over the job of building the rocket. They started using a different type of fuel called thermoplastic polyamide.

In October 2014, VSS Enterprise began its 55th test flight - aimed at testing new fuels.

But just 11 seconds after it detached from the carrier, the VSS Enterprise collapsed, killing co-pilot Mike Alsbury.

Pilot Pete Sybald fell to the ground in a parachute attached to his seat in an unconscious state and survived despite being seriously injured.

After an investigation, it was found that the technology used by the vehicle called Feder to reduce the speed of the vehicle coming down to the ground became active long ago and the vehicle broke down.

Despite this tragic accident, the program did not stop.

Virgin Galactic's second space-plane was launched in February 2016. It was called VSS Unity - named after the British scientist Stephen Hawking.

After a few test flights, Unity reached the end of space for the first time on December 13, 2016.

It rose to a height of 60 km above sea level at that time - which some organizations consider being space.

Finally, on July 11, 2021, Sir Richard Branson himself embarked on his VSS unit. The flight took off at an altitude of about 75 km.

However, it should be noted here that according to most scientists, the beginning of space is at an altitude of 100 km above sea level - which is called the Karman Line.

Amazon's space-travel aircraft will cross the Karman Line

Sir Richard Branson is not alone in the business of taking people into space. His rival is Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

The rocket they are building is called the New Shepard, and they say it will allow passengers to cross the Karman line.

Its creator, Blue Origin, says their vehicle is a real rocket - not an 'airplane' that can fly very high.

Its windows will also be much larger, unlike the windows of a normal plane. Apart from that, it will also have a way for the passengers to get out of the vehicle in case of any emergency.

They say the vehicle will be environmentally friendly and will not harm the ozone layer.

According to Blue Origin, the New Shepherd has already completed 15 test trips safely.

However, the experience of the passengers of these two types of rocket-aircraft will be quite similar.

They will feel weightless in both cases. You can float in the air inside the rocket plane and see the magnificent view of space through the window.

After 9 years, the moon will change place, the earth will see a terrible flood!

After 9 years, the moon will change place, the earth will see a terrible flood!

After 9 years, the moon will change place, the earth will see a terrible flood!

The weather is constantly changing around the world. The number and intensity of cyclones have increased. America has recently faced multiple cyclones. Sea level rise and high tide are related to the moon. Scientists say that if the moon changes its position a little, there will be terrible floods all over the world.

Floods caused by high tides are called nuisance floods. At such times, ocean waves rise more than 2 feet above their average height. As a result, water continues to enter the cities. Just as the situation in Mumbai gets worse during the monsoons. Due to this, the situation became chaotic.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, high tides in the United States caused 800 floods in 2019. But according to a new NASA study, by 2030, there will be flooding of New Zealand in many parts of the world, including the United States. As a result, the height of the waves at high tide will be about 3 to 4 times higher.

The NASA study was published last month in the Nature Climate Change. But NASA has now warned that by 2030, the Nuisance flood will increase significantly. These will not come once or twice a year, but every month. Because whenever there is a slight change in the orbit of the moon, this flood will become more harmful. The floods will hit the coastal areas two to three times a month.

With the change in the position of the moon, floods in the coastal region will become dangerous for the people living there. Governments around the world need to plan to avoid this. Phil Thompson, an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii, said in a statement that this would be due to long-term climate change. This will cause many problems in the world.

Phil Thompson said that if such floods occur 10-15 times a month, people will stop working. People's income will be disrupted. There will be no more jobs. Mosquito-borne diseases will also increase due to uninterrupted water. Due to the moon, the amount and time of floods in the coastal areas of the earth will increase. Ice and glaciers around the world are melting due to global warming. Due to this the sea level will rise rapidly.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, sea levels have risen by 6 to 9 inches in 180 years. One-third of these heights have increased in the last 25 years. By 2100, sea levels could rise from 12 inches to 6.2 feet. To prevent this, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced. But it will take decades to complete this task, which is not easy.

According to a new study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the moon has always been influencing ocean waves. The lunar pull and pressure are both balanced year after year. If the moon changes the position of its orbit, it will flood many coastal areas of the earth. Because the moon changes its position slightly in 16.6 years. Halfway through this period, the moon suppresses the waves of the earth. However, after half a cycle, the moon intensifies the waves. Increases their height, which is dangerous.

NASA says half of the moon's 18.7-year full cycle is about to begin, which will accelerate Earth's waves. This will happen in 2030. By then the global sea level will rise significantly. Due to this many countries in the world will face the problem of flooding. America will have more problems than that. Because there are many tourist destinations in the coastal areas of that country.

NASA says events such as in the climate cycle will also lead to flooding. "All of this happens every month," said Ben Hamlington, a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It could also be that there will be so much flooding in one part of the year that you will have problems throughout the year.

Google chief warns of free internet access

Google chief warns of free internet access

Google chief warns of free internet access
Beautiful Pichai

Google's chief executive officer (CEO) Sundar Pichai has advised users to be wary of these threats and attacks on free internet access around the world.

In a recent interview, he said many countries were restricting the free exchange of information and others were following suit. In the future, artificial intelligence will rule the world. But before that we need freedom.

In that interview, Pichai also raised issues of taxation, personal information, and security. He described artificial intelligence as more effective than conventional internet services, fire, and electricity.

"Fire, the use of electricity, the discovery of the Internet, as well as AI," he said. Rather, AI can be said to be larger. At the same time, Pichai claims that Google has played the biggest role in free and independent Internet for the last 23 years.

Sundar Pichai called artificial intelligence more effective than conventional inventions. "Fire, the use of electricity, the discovery of the Internet, as well as AI," he said. Rather, AI can be said to be larger.

How is your technical practice in your daily routine? Answering the question, Sundar said, "I always adhere to two-factor authentication when it comes to passwords." Everyone should do that. Moreover, I keep changing my smartphone again and again to check the new technology.

In addition to computing and taxes, Google is facing another problem. That is the security and safety of user information. That's why countries around the world are taking legal action against Google and the number of investigations is increasing.

Pichai has clarified his position on these issues. According to him, Google is open to everyone. So anyone can easily go anywhere. Under Pichai, Google has further solidified its top position in the market. Technology insiders say it is not possible to argue about Google's share price rise under Pichai. Their share price has tripled.

In countries with low connectivity, it is possible to increase GDP by 20 percent

In countries with low connectivity, it is possible to increase GDP by 20 percent

In countries with low connectivity, it is possible to increase GDP by 20 percent

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) recently released a report in support of Ericsson (Nasdaq: Eric). It shows that by connecting schools in countries with limited broadband connections to the Internet, it is possible to increase the GDP of those countries by up to 20 percent. 

Both the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index (2016) and the World Bank's Human Capital Index (2016) clearly state the relationship between access to the Internet and the quality of education. 

EIU's analysis also found that for every 10 percent increase in school connectivity in a country, per capita GDP could grow by 1.1 percent. The EIU report shows how school connectivity can bring benefits to education and play a leading role in creating enriched career opportunities for children; In addition, it will contribute to economic development and the development of communities. 

According to the report, such facilities for children at the individual level will play a helpful role in ensuring high income, improved health care, and the well-being of the country as a whole. These facilities will play a leading role in the development and economic advancement of society in a big way besides the development of children. The report recommends that the combined efforts of global government, private, and NGO sector leaders to eliminate digital inequality by transforming Internet connectivity into a global reality for school children of all ages could make a dramatic difference.

Following this, Ericsson is urging stakeholders to support Giga, a school connectivity initiative established by UNICEF and the International Telecommunication Union. Relevant partners can be involved in these initiatives through these activities to create sustainable business models for financial grants, information provision, technical expertise, and connectivity. 

Ericsson will continue its efforts in this regard through a three-year partnership with UNICEF to address the disparity in school connectivity in 35 countries. Heather Johnson, Ericsson's Vice President of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility, said: This initiative will have a positive impact on reducing digital disparities between countries for a bright and promising future for children around the world. ” 

He added that the report clearly shows that partnership between business, government, and NGO sector leaders will play a significant role in taking effective steps to address the issue and positively impact people's lives. No matter how big or small, every stakeholder in the sector can play a role in bringing about positive change.
“Together we are mapping schools around the world to identify connectivity disparities in communities,” said Charlotte Petri-Gornizka, Deputy Executive Director of the UNICEF Partnership. Partnerships are critical to connecting schools to the Internet and ensuring quality digital education; This is the key to achieving the goal. Through this, every child and youth will be able to move forward towards a bright future.

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About Ericsson’s partnership with UNICEF   
Connecting Learners: Narrowing the Educational Divide report, pages 80-95.

Zuckerberg announced the award for the best content creators on Facebook

Zuckerberg announced the award for the best content creators on Facebook

Zuckerberg announced the award for the best content creators on Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg. File image

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the award for the best content creators. He made the announcement in a post on Facebook on Wednesday (July 14) night.

In that post, Mark Zuckerberg writes, 'We want to make Facebook the best platform for millions of content creators. That's why we're working on a new program. It will invest more than one billion dollars. This money will be spent to reward those who will be considered the best content creators on Facebook and Instagram in 2022. '

The CEO of Facebook further writes that such announcements for content creators are nothing new for Facebook. Such initiatives have been taken before. However, Facebook wants to continue this trend. Details will be announced soon. 


সোমবার, ১২ জুলাই, ২০২১

Richard Branson returns to Earth after space travel in his own spacecraft

Richard Branson returns to Earth after space travel in his own spacecraft

Richard Branson returns to Earth after space travel in his own spacecraft
Richard Branson sitting on a rocket on the way to space

Virgin Galactic, a British billionaire businessman named Richard Branson, has returned safely to Earth after landing at the gates of space and landed in New Mexico in the United States.

In an hour-long journey, the spacecraft named Unity-22 flies at a speed of more than three thousand kilometers per hour.

During this time, six passengers of the rocket experienced emptiness for a few minutes.

Branson said the test flight would usher in a new era of space travel.

This type of tourism is expected to start commercially next year.

However, those who want to travel in space must be quite meaningful.

For a few minutes' experience in space, each ticket will cost two and a half million dollars.

Like Richard Branson, another billionaire entrepreneur, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, is rumored to be flying a rocket built by his company after Emas.

However, this path to space was not easy for Richard Branson.

He has been trying to launch commercial space travel since 2004.

The trip was scheduled to begin in 2006, but the initiative was halted after a deadly rocket exploded.

"I've had the hobby of space travel since I was a child," Branson told the BBC. "I hope millions of people will be able to travel in space in the next 100 years."

Such as seeing the earth from space

Such as seeing the earth from space

Such as seeing the earth from space

NASA released an amazing picture. Where Soyuz Capsule and Canaderm 2 are caught in the same frame. The image was taken from space over the Mediterranean. The image from space shows the southeastern Mediterranean behind two artificial satellites. 

Astronaut Andrew Morgan took this wide-angle photo. NASA released the image taken from the International Space Station in August 2019. The film also captures images of two continents. One is Africa and the other in Asia. 

The picture shows the Nile Delta of Africa and the Sinai Peninsula as well as the Levant of Asia. The Nile River, which flows north, forms a delta island before merging into the Mediterranean. That is what is captured in the picture. 

Note that this image of the astronaut was taken using the 18 mm lens of the Nikon D5 digital camera. 18 mm face eye lenses are not used frequently. But this has been used to take pictures. 

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