Bangladesh Technical Education Board
Office of the Controller of Examinations
Agargaon, Sherebangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207
Memo No. BTEB (EX-2)/585(Part-5)/649
54050 - Haji Abul Hossain Institute Of Technology ,Tangail
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have passed in all subjects in the 4th/5th Semester (with referred subjects) Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING, 2012
held in February - April, 2012 are listed below in accordance with the notification no BTEB (EX-2)/585(Part-5)/649 dated 02-07-2012 in regulation of the board.
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have failed in one or more subjects in the 4th/5th Semester (with referred subjects) Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING,
2012 held in February - April, 2012 are listed below in accordance with the notification no BTEB (EX-2)/585(Part-5)/649 dated 02-07-2012 in regulation of the board. The roll numbers
are listed under the respective subject in which the corresponding student has failed. These examinees are permitted to appear in the examination of the respective subjects in the next
Semester board final examination together with the specified subjects of the Semester.
314403 314412 314413 314426
314427 314432 314438 314443
314444 314461 314477 314483
314488 314489 332898 332901
332903 332905 332908 332910
332911 332913 332916 332922
332924 332925 344211 344212
344214 344230 344239 344247
344250 344251 344252 344255
344258 396481 396484 396486
396490 396496 396501 396507
842548 913901
Note: The result is hereby published subject to the final approval of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board. If any inadvertent error/mistake is detected later on in the result, the
board as per rule holds the authority of correcting / altering / withdrawing the result at any time. Any comments from the Head of Institutes regarding the published result should be
reported in written within 12th July, 2012. No complain will be entertained after the expiry of the stipulated time.
( Mohammad Ali Miah)
Assistant Controller of Examination
Bngladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka
Phone: 9118776
(Dr. Md. Nurul Islam)
Controller of Examinations
Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka - 1207
Phone 9113283
Memo No. BTEB (EX-2)/585(Part-5)/649 Date : 02-07-2012
Copy of the published result is hereby sent for information and necessary action please:
1. Director General, Directorate of Technical Education, Agargaon, Dhaka -1000
2. Vice Chancellor, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka
3. Director (PIW) Directorate of Technical Education Dhaka
4. Director (Curriculum), Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka -1207
5. Secretary Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka -1207
6. Director, Dhaka International University, Dhaka
7-51. Principal, Polytechnic Institute
52-56. Principal, BS Polytechnic Institute, Kaptai /Mohila Polytechnic Institute, Dhaka/Institute of Glass and Ceramic/Graphics Arts Institute/Bangladesh Marine Institute
57-156. Principal/Director, ____________.
157-161. Deputy Controller of Examination-1/2/3/VOC Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka -1207
162-166. Assistant Controller of Examination-2/3/VOC Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka -1207
167. Guard file
Office of the Controller of Examinations
Agargaon, Sherebangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207
Memo No. BTEB (EX-2)/585(Part-5)/649
54050 - Haji Abul Hossain Institute Of Technology ,Tangail
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have passed in all subjects in the 4th/5th Semester (with referred subjects) Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING, 2012
held in February - April, 2012 are listed below in accordance with the notification no BTEB (EX-2)/585(Part-5)/649 dated 02-07-2012 in regulation of the board.
It is to be notified all concerned that roll numbers who have failed in one or more subjects in the 4th/5th Semester (with referred subjects) Examination of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING,
2012 held in February - April, 2012 are listed below in accordance with the notification no BTEB (EX-2)/585(Part-5)/649 dated 02-07-2012 in regulation of the board. The roll numbers
are listed under the respective subject in which the corresponding student has failed. These examinees are permitted to appear in the examination of the respective subjects in the next
Semester board final examination together with the specified subjects of the Semester.
314403 314412 314413 314426
314427 314432 314438 314443
314444 314461 314477 314483
314488 314489 332898 332901
332903 332905 332908 332910
332911 332913 332916 332922
332924 332925 344211 344212
344214 344230 344239 344247
344250 344251 344252 344255
344258 396481 396484 396486
396490 396496 396501 396507
842548 913901
314406 { 1422(T), 2725(T), 2744(T),
2811(T) }
314409 { 2811(T) } 314410 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2725(T),
2811(T) }
314416 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2622(T), 2642(T,P), 2644(T), 2645(P),
2646(T,P), 2647(T,P), 2725(T),
2744(T,P), 2811(T), 2845(T,P),
2846(T,P) }
314418 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2725(T),
2744(T), 2845(T) }
314420 { 2642(T), 2725(T) } 314423 { 1422(T), 2622(T), 2725(T),
2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314424 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2646(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2845(T) }
314425 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2845(T) }
314428 { 1422(T), 2725(T) } 314429 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2846(T) }
314430 { 2725(T), 2845(T) }
314431 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2811(T) } 314434 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2725(T) }
314437 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2647(T) } 314439 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2642(T), 2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T),
2846(T) }
314440 { 1441(T), 2622(T), 2642(T),
2725(T), 2811(T), 2845(T), 2846(T) }
314442 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2744(T) }
314445 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2725(T), 2811(T) }
314446 { 1421(T), 2642(T), 2725(T),
2811(T) }
314449 { 2642(T), 2845(T) } 314450 { 2642(T), 2647(T), 2725(T),
2744(T) }
314451 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2646(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2845(T) }
314455 { 2647(T), 2845(T) }
314456 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2647(T),
2744(T) }
314457 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2646(T), 2647(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2845(T), 2846(T) }
314463 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2622(T),
2642(T), 2744(T), 2845(T) }
314464 { 1422(T) }
314465 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2642(T), 2647(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314470 { 1421(T) } 314474 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2647(T),
2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314480 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2725(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314482 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2622(T),
2642(T), 2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314484 { 1441(T), 2744(T) } 314486 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2647(T), 2744(T), 2845(T) }
314493 { 1121(T), 1123(T), 1421(T),
1422(T), 1441(T), 2622(T), 2642(T),
2646(T), 2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T),
2811(T), 2845(T) }
314494 { 1422(T), 2647(T), 2725(T),
2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314495 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2845(T),
2846(T) }
332883 { 1442(T) } 332884 { 1442(T) }
332887 { 1442(T) } 332888 { 1121(T), 1412(T), 1421(T),
1442(T), 2726(T), 2745(T), 2840(T),2843(T), 2849(T) } 332889 { 1441(T), 1442(T), 2622(T),
2726(T), 2745(T), 2843(T) }
332891 { 1412(T), 1421(T), 1442(T),
2622(T), 2726(T), 2745(T), 2843(T) }
332892 { 1442(T), 2840(T), 2843(T) }
332894 { 1412(T), 1421(T), 1441(T),
1442(T), 2726(T), 2843(T) }
332895 { 1412(T), 1421(T), 1442(T),
2726(T), 2745(T), 2840(T), 2843(T) }
332896 { 1412(T), 1441(T), 1442(T),
2622(T), 2745(T), 2840(T), 2843(T) }
332899 { 1421(T), 1442(T) }
332900 { 1442(T), 2745(T) } 332904 { 1421(T), 1442(T), 2726(T),
2745(T), 2822(T), 2840(T), 2843(T),
2849(T) }
332906 { 1442(T), 2843(T) } 332907 { 1442(T), 2726(T), 2822(T),
2840(T), 2843(T) }
332909 { 1442(T), 2622(T) } 332915 { 1412(T), 1442(T), 2745(T),
2822(T), 2840(T) }
332917 { 1412(T), 1442(T), 2843(T) } 332927 { 1412(T), 1421(T), 1441(T),
1442(T), 2843(T) }
332928 { 1412(T), 1442(T), 2622(T),
2843(T) }
344213 { 2847(T) } 344215 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2741(T),
2747(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344217 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2447(T),
2723(T), 2741(T), 2747(T), 2847(T),
3146(T) }
344219 { 2447(T,P), 2621(P), 2747(T),
2847(P), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344220 { 1421(T), 2447(T), 2721(T),
2722(T), 2741(T), 2747(T), 2847(T),
3146(T) }
344221 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2447(T),
2741(T), 2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344222 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2741(T),
2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344224 { 1421(T), 2447(T), 2741(T),
3146(T) }
344225 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 3146(T) } 344226 { 3146(T) } 344227 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2741(T), 2847(T), 3033(T),
3146(T) }
344228 { 1421(T), 2447(T) } 344229 { 1421(T), 2747(T), 2847(T) } 344232 { 1422(T), 2847(T), 3033(T),
3146(T) }
344233 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2741(T),
2747(T), 2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344235 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2741(T),
2747(T), 2847(T), 3146(T) }
344236 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2741(T), 2747(T), 2847(T), 3146(T) }
344238 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2741(T),
2847(T), 3146(T) }
344240 { 1421(T) }
344241 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2723(T), 2741(T), 2747(T),
2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344243 { 2447(T), 2847(T), 3033(T) } 344244 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2721(T), 2747(T), 2847(T),
3033(T), 3146(T) }
344245 { 1422(T), 1441(T), 2447(T),
2723(T), 2741(T), 2747(T), 2847(P),
3033(T,P), 3146(T) }
344246 { 1441(T), 2847(T), 3033(T) } 344248 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 3033(T) } 344249 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2721(T), 2723(T), 2741(T),
2747(T), 2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344253 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2741(T), 2847(T), 3146(T) }
344254 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 3146(T) } 344256 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2847(T),
3033(T) }
344257 { 2741(T), 3033(T) } 396461 { 1441(T), 2632(T), 2726(T),
2745(T) }
396465 { 1122(T), 2632(T), 2726(T),
2745(T), 5443(T) }
396470 { 1422(T), 2632(T), 2745(T) } 396474 { 1422(T), 1441(T), 2631(P),
2632(T,P), 2726(T), 2745(T,P),
2837(T,P), 5441(T,P), 5442(T,P),
5443(T,P) }
396478 { 1422(T), 2745(T) }
396480 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2632(T),
2745(T) }
396483 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2622(T), 2726(T), 2837(T) }
396487 { 1441(T), 2745(T) } 396488 { 2745(T), 2837(T) }
396489 { 2632(T), 2745(T) } 396493 { 1422(T), 2726(T), 2745(T),
2837(T) }
396503 { 2745(T), 2837(T) } 842539 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2723(T),
2741(T), 2847(T), 3033(T) }
913950 { 1121(T), 1123(T), 1422(T),
1441(T), 2622(T), 2642(T), 2647(T),
2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T),
2846(T) }
943416 { 1122(T), 1123(T), 1421(T),
1422(T), 1441(T), 2447(T), 2741(T),
2847(T), 3146(T) }
996508 { 1422(T), 1441(T), 2622(T),
2726(T), 2745(T), 5441(T), 5442(T),
5443(T) }
996521 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2726(T),
2745(T) }
996538 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2622(T),
2745(T), 2837(T) }
996544 { 1422(T), 2745(T) } 996546 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2745(T) } 996549 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2631(P), 2632(T,P), 2745(T,P),
2837(T,P), 5441(T) }
996550 { 1123(T), 1422(T), 1441(T) } 996551 { 2745(T) } 996553 { 1422(T), 1441(T), 2726(T),
2745(T) }
2811(T) }
314409 { 2811(T) } 314410 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2725(T),
2811(T) }
314416 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2622(T), 2642(T,P), 2644(T), 2645(P),
2646(T,P), 2647(T,P), 2725(T),
2744(T,P), 2811(T), 2845(T,P),
2846(T,P) }
314418 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2725(T),
2744(T), 2845(T) }
314420 { 2642(T), 2725(T) } 314423 { 1422(T), 2622(T), 2725(T),
2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314424 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2646(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2845(T) }
314425 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2845(T) }
314428 { 1422(T), 2725(T) } 314429 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2846(T) }
314430 { 2725(T), 2845(T) }
314431 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2811(T) } 314434 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2725(T) }
314437 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2647(T) } 314439 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2642(T), 2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T),
2846(T) }
314440 { 1441(T), 2622(T), 2642(T),
2725(T), 2811(T), 2845(T), 2846(T) }
314442 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2744(T) }
314445 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2725(T), 2811(T) }
314446 { 1421(T), 2642(T), 2725(T),
2811(T) }
314449 { 2642(T), 2845(T) } 314450 { 2642(T), 2647(T), 2725(T),
2744(T) }
314451 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2646(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2845(T) }
314455 { 2647(T), 2845(T) }
314456 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2647(T),
2744(T) }
314457 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2646(T), 2647(T), 2744(T), 2811(T),
2845(T), 2846(T) }
314463 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2622(T),
2642(T), 2744(T), 2845(T) }
314464 { 1422(T) }
314465 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2642(T), 2647(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314470 { 1421(T) } 314474 { 1422(T), 2642(T), 2647(T),
2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314480 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2725(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314482 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2622(T),
2642(T), 2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314484 { 1441(T), 2744(T) } 314486 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2642(T),
2647(T), 2744(T), 2845(T) }
314493 { 1121(T), 1123(T), 1421(T),
1422(T), 1441(T), 2622(T), 2642(T),
2646(T), 2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T),
2811(T), 2845(T) }
314494 { 1422(T), 2647(T), 2725(T),
2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T) }
314495 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2647(T), 2725(T), 2744(T), 2845(T),
2846(T) }
332883 { 1442(T) } 332884 { 1442(T) }
332887 { 1442(T) } 332888 { 1121(T), 1412(T), 1421(T),
1442(T), 2726(T), 2745(T), 2840(T),2843(T), 2849(T) } 332889 { 1441(T), 1442(T), 2622(T),
2726(T), 2745(T), 2843(T) }
332891 { 1412(T), 1421(T), 1442(T),
2622(T), 2726(T), 2745(T), 2843(T) }
332892 { 1442(T), 2840(T), 2843(T) }
332894 { 1412(T), 1421(T), 1441(T),
1442(T), 2726(T), 2843(T) }
332895 { 1412(T), 1421(T), 1442(T),
2726(T), 2745(T), 2840(T), 2843(T) }
332896 { 1412(T), 1441(T), 1442(T),
2622(T), 2745(T), 2840(T), 2843(T) }
332899 { 1421(T), 1442(T) }
332900 { 1442(T), 2745(T) } 332904 { 1421(T), 1442(T), 2726(T),
2745(T), 2822(T), 2840(T), 2843(T),
2849(T) }
332906 { 1442(T), 2843(T) } 332907 { 1442(T), 2726(T), 2822(T),
2840(T), 2843(T) }
332909 { 1442(T), 2622(T) } 332915 { 1412(T), 1442(T), 2745(T),
2822(T), 2840(T) }
332917 { 1412(T), 1442(T), 2843(T) } 332927 { 1412(T), 1421(T), 1441(T),
1442(T), 2843(T) }
332928 { 1412(T), 1442(T), 2622(T),
2843(T) }
344213 { 2847(T) } 344215 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2741(T),
2747(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344217 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2447(T),
2723(T), 2741(T), 2747(T), 2847(T),
3146(T) }
344219 { 2447(T,P), 2621(P), 2747(T),
2847(P), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344220 { 1421(T), 2447(T), 2721(T),
2722(T), 2741(T), 2747(T), 2847(T),
3146(T) }
344221 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2447(T),
2741(T), 2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344222 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2741(T),
2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344224 { 1421(T), 2447(T), 2741(T),
3146(T) }
344225 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 3146(T) } 344226 { 3146(T) } 344227 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2741(T), 2847(T), 3033(T),
3146(T) }
344228 { 1421(T), 2447(T) } 344229 { 1421(T), 2747(T), 2847(T) } 344232 { 1422(T), 2847(T), 3033(T),
3146(T) }
344233 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2741(T),
2747(T), 2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344235 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2741(T),
2747(T), 2847(T), 3146(T) }
344236 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2741(T), 2747(T), 2847(T), 3146(T) }
344238 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2741(T),
2847(T), 3146(T) }
344240 { 1421(T) }
344241 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2723(T), 2741(T), 2747(T),
2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344243 { 2447(T), 2847(T), 3033(T) } 344244 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2721(T), 2747(T), 2847(T),
3033(T), 3146(T) }
344245 { 1422(T), 1441(T), 2447(T),
2723(T), 2741(T), 2747(T), 2847(P),
3033(T,P), 3146(T) }
344246 { 1441(T), 2847(T), 3033(T) } 344248 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 3033(T) } 344249 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2721(T), 2723(T), 2741(T),
2747(T), 2847(T), 3033(T), 3146(T) }
344253 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2447(T), 2741(T), 2847(T), 3146(T) }
344254 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 3146(T) } 344256 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2847(T),
3033(T) }
344257 { 2741(T), 3033(T) } 396461 { 1441(T), 2632(T), 2726(T),
2745(T) }
396465 { 1122(T), 2632(T), 2726(T),
2745(T), 5443(T) }
396470 { 1422(T), 2632(T), 2745(T) } 396474 { 1422(T), 1441(T), 2631(P),
2632(T,P), 2726(T), 2745(T,P),
2837(T,P), 5441(T,P), 5442(T,P),
5443(T,P) }
396478 { 1422(T), 2745(T) }
396480 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2632(T),
2745(T) }
396483 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2622(T), 2726(T), 2837(T) }
396487 { 1441(T), 2745(T) } 396488 { 2745(T), 2837(T) }
396489 { 2632(T), 2745(T) } 396493 { 1422(T), 2726(T), 2745(T),
2837(T) }
396503 { 2745(T), 2837(T) } 842539 { 1421(T), 1441(T), 2723(T),
2741(T), 2847(T), 3033(T) }
913950 { 1121(T), 1123(T), 1422(T),
1441(T), 2622(T), 2642(T), 2647(T),
2725(T), 2744(T), 2811(T), 2845(T),
2846(T) }
943416 { 1122(T), 1123(T), 1421(T),
1422(T), 1441(T), 2447(T), 2741(T),
2847(T), 3146(T) }
996508 { 1422(T), 1441(T), 2622(T),
2726(T), 2745(T), 5441(T), 5442(T),
5443(T) }
996521 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2726(T),
2745(T) }
996538 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2622(T),
2745(T), 2837(T) }
996544 { 1422(T), 2745(T) } 996546 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 2745(T) } 996549 { 1421(T), 1422(T), 1441(T),
2631(P), 2632(T,P), 2745(T,P),
2837(T,P), 5441(T) }
996550 { 1123(T), 1422(T), 1441(T) } 996551 { 2745(T) } 996553 { 1422(T), 1441(T), 2726(T),
2745(T) }
Note: The result is hereby published subject to the final approval of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board. If any inadvertent error/mistake is detected later on in the result, the
board as per rule holds the authority of correcting / altering / withdrawing the result at any time. Any comments from the Head of Institutes regarding the published result should be
reported in written within 12th July, 2012. No complain will be entertained after the expiry of the stipulated time.
( Mohammad Ali Miah)
Assistant Controller of Examination
Bngladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka
Phone: 9118776
(Dr. Md. Nurul Islam)
Controller of Examinations
Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka - 1207
Phone 9113283
Memo No. BTEB (EX-2)/585(Part-5)/649 Date : 02-07-2012
Copy of the published result is hereby sent for information and necessary action please:
1. Director General, Directorate of Technical Education, Agargaon, Dhaka -1000
2. Vice Chancellor, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka
3. Director (PIW) Directorate of Technical Education Dhaka
4. Director (Curriculum), Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka -1207
5. Secretary Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka -1207
6. Director, Dhaka International University, Dhaka
7-51. Principal, Polytechnic Institute
52-56. Principal, BS Polytechnic Institute, Kaptai /Mohila Polytechnic Institute, Dhaka/Institute of Glass and Ceramic/Graphics Arts Institute/Bangladesh Marine Institute
57-156. Principal/Director, ____________.
157-161. Deputy Controller of Examination-1/2/3/VOC Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka -1207
162-166. Assistant Controller of Examination-2/3/VOC Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka -1207
167. Guard file