
শুক্রবার, ২৫ জুন, ২০২১

Facebook is bringing 4 new features in online shopping

Facebook is bringing 4 new features in online shopping

Facebook is bringing 4 new features in online shopping
Mark Zuckerberg 
Social media Facebook is bringing new features to bring a groundbreaking change in the field of e-commerce and online shopping. Founder Mark Zuckerberg confirmed the information in a post on his wall. "We will come up with four features on social media in the future," he said on Wednesday.

Zuckerberg added that Facebook Marketplace, WhatsApp and Instagram will soon have four features called Instagram Visual Search, Online Shop, Advertisement and Marketplace Shop. He also said that an advertisement feature will be introduced to advertise online shops.

The status is informed in the detailed plan in the form of comments, users will be able to search by entering the names of different products through Instagram visual search. This will allow you to chat with merchants to buy products through online shops. To setup it, you need to go to the three media settings of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.

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