
বুধবার, ৩০ জুন, ২০২১

The world's first disabled astronaut is going to space

The world's first disabled astronaut is going to space

The world's first disabled astronaut is going to space!
This time, the European Space Agency (ESA) is opening the horizons of space missions for the physically challenged as well. For the first time in the history of the world, the agency has decided to send a physically challenged person into space.

Confirming the news to Reuters on Friday, ESA chief Joseph Achbacher said 22,000 applications had been received since the announcement of the launch of the physically challenged. A few have been picked from there. After the training, one of them will be sent on a space mission, he said.

He added that if the mission is successful, ordinary people will also be encouraged to go on space missions. He hopes that the stars in the distant sky will not only sit on the earth, but will also be easier to see near.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is also going to space mission very soon. For the first time, his rocket engine maker Blue Origin will launch a space mission with humans. 

The European Space Agency has always been at the forefront of space exploration. From the lunar journey to Mars, ESA has shocked the world!

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