
বুধবার, ২৩ জুন, ২০২১

The bride donates a kidney to her husband's ex-wife

The bride donates a kidney to her husband's ex-wife

The bride donates a kidney to her husband's ex-wife
Two days after the wedding, an American woman donated a kidney to her husband's ex-wife. The incident took place in Florida, USA in November last year, but the issue has come to the fore in recent international media reports.

According to the report, the woman named Debbie Neil Strickland was married to a man named Jim Marthi on November 22 last year. Before that, of course, Jim-Debbie had been in love for 10 years. Just two days after the wedding, Jim donated his kidney to his ex-wife, Melin. Jim broke up with Melin 20 years ago. However, after the breakup, Jim's relationship with Melin was good. They were taking care of the children together. 

Melin recently had a kidney transplant. Jim-Melin's daughter was pregnant at the time. Debbie became very emotional thinking that the pregnant girl would lose her mother. So just two days after the wedding, he donated a kidney to Melin. 

"As if God was telling me, your kidneys have matched, you have to do it," Debbie said. Her daughter is pregnant. I wanted Jim-Melin's daughter to be with me when she gave birth.

Debbie and Melin now call themselves Kidney Sisters. Debbie has developed a good friendship with her husband's ex-wife. This kind of love has fascinated many people where there is more room for jealousy. On the day of the operation, Dim took Debbie to Melin's house. Now the three have become more mature friendships with each other.

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