
শুক্রবার, ১৮ জুন, ২০২১

Windows 11

Windows 11 is coming

Windows 11 is coming
TechGiant Microsoft has announced the closure of Windows 10 from October 14, 2025. According to tech website Tech Radar, Microsoft will continue to take updates after the 2025 deadline, so users can switch to the new operating system.

US-based technology company Microsoft has said it will not bring any more versions after version 10. But now, according to a teaser shared on the company's Twitter, Windows 11 version will come later this month. An event list on Microsoft's website will also announce what Windows will bring to the fore on June 24.

Meanwhile, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadela said, "The next generation of Windows updates will be one of the most important parts of the last decade."

 Incidentally, Windows '10 May 2020 update' had more problems. Many important features have been lost in this update. One of them was 'Fresh Start'. This feature allows users to re-install Windows 10 without losing data. This tool plays a very important role if there is a serious problem with the PC. Users have complained to Microsoft about these issues in the last few months.

According to Forbes, "Windows 10 users have been turning away from this operating system for a long time due to multiple problems."

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