
বুধবার, ২৩ জুন, ২০২১

The new attraction of Pubji is the Rocket Battle

The new attraction of Pubji is the Rocket Battle

The new attraction of Pubji is the Rocket BattleTravers-Insect mode is going to be a new feature of the world's most popular mobile game Pubji Mobile. Until July 5, you can enjoy a thrilling and completely new Battle Royale mode in this mode

In this game mode full of unlimited homing missiles, insect players will fight against each other and will also be protected from attacks by more fast, explosive and normal players. 

In Travers-Insected mode, players can transform themselves into an insect. In the new Erangel theme mode, players will see 5 new labs, each with a mysterious Quantum Transformation Device. 

Players who come in contact with this device will be converted to a tiny size. With this size, players will not be able to carry any equipment, but will be able to use the Homing Missile Launcher, which is also unlimited. 

Players will also be able to fly inside the lab. However, it should be noted that the players will return to normal when they move beyond a certain limit from the lab. Insected players are protected from common weapon attacks but can be knocked down by pan attacks.  

By navigating around the map in insectoid form, players will be able to collect light points that allow them to use wormholes. There are 5 light points from each light and a player can use a wormhole device to collect 40 light points, which can be used to teleport from one lab to another. 

Light points are available only in insecticide form. Normal players will be able to exchange light points as a combat supply using energy stores. Keep in mind, Travers-Insected mode has to be played just like a normal match, everyone has to survive on top.   

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